Sarah O'Connell

Director, Soul Works
Sarah O’Connell and her team at Soul Works exist to ensure delegates and teams stay well whilst at business events. From the delivery of keynote topics with a particular focus on wellbeing to installing reset rooms at conference venues. To leading breathing and chair yoga and supplying therapeutic massage sessions at events.
Sarah has a background as a PCO, Event Manager as well as time with the Christchurch Bureau. More recently she acquired and grew NZ’s leading occupational health and safety company until its offshore sale in 2018. Sarah owns Soul Studio Yoga. She leads and runs Soul Community Trust Otautahi. Speaker, Managing Director, Certified Board Member, Business Coach, MC and studying to be a trauma sensitive specialist.
She is proud to be the first NZ yoga and wellness business owner to lead her team through the BCORP certification process – managing and measuring the businesses social and environmental impact. She has just recently been nominated and in the running for the Exercise NZ Sports Leadership Award for 2023.
Sarah O'Connell